1. You should + 동사원형 너 .. 하는 게 좋겠다. .. 하도록 해봐 (강압 강요가 아닌, 추천 권유하는 느낌)
- You should go now. 너는 이제 가보는 게 좋겠어.
- You should talk to her. 그녀와 얘기해 보시는 게 좋겠네요.
- You should give it a try. 한번 해보세요.
You should wake up early. 일찍 일어나 보도록 해봐.
You should always be careful. 항상 조심하셔야 해요.
You should never do that. 그런 건 절대로 하지 않아야 해.
You should meet him. 넌 걔를 만나야 해.
You should drop by. 잠깐 들르세요. (drop by 잠깐 들르다)
You should cross the street on the green light. 초록 불일 때 길을 건너야 해요.
You should try it. You should give it a try. 한번 해봐.
You should stop drinking for a while. 당분간 술은 삼가세요.
You should get off here. 여기서 내리셔야겠네요. (버스)
You should ask someone else. 다른 사람에게 물어보세요.
You should take it across the street. 건너편에서 타셔야 해요. (버스) You're on the wrong side of the street. It's in the other direction.
You should transfer over at City Hall. 시청에서 갈아타세요. (지하철)
You should get more rest. 당신은 좀 더 쉬셔야 해요.
You should have told me so before. 네가 진작 내게 그렇게 말했어야 해. - should have pp
You shouldn't have believed what Ian said. 이안이 한 말은 믿으면 안 됐어.
2. You should not + 동사원형 .. 하면 안 돼. .. 하지 않는 게 좋아. (강압 강요가 아닌, 추천 권유하는 느낌)
- You should not go there. 넌 거기 가지 않는 게 좋겠어.
- You should not do it. 그러면 안 돼요. (넌 그것을 하지 말아야 해)
- You should not meet him. 넌 그를 만나면 안돼.
You should not talk to him. 그녀는 그와 말을 하지 말아야 해.
You should not talk to her. 넌 그녀와 말하면 안 돼.
You should not work at home. 집에서 일하시면 안 돼요.
You should not eat a lot. 넌 많이 먹으면 안 돼.
You shouldn't overeat. 과식하면 안 돼.
You shouldn't miss this opportunity. 이 기회를 놓치면 안 돼.
You shouldn't do that. 그러는 거 아니다.
You shouldn't apologize. 사과할 필요도 없어요.
You shouldn't say things like that. 그런 식으로 말하면 안 돼요.
You should not listen to her. 너는 그녀의 말을 듣지 않는 게 좋겠다.
You shouldn’t drink and drive. 음주 운전은 하지 말아야 한다[해서는 안 된다].
You shouldn't go alone. 혼자 가지 않는 것이 좋을 거야.
Come, come, you shouldn't speak like that! 이봐, 이봐, 그렇게 말하면 안 되지!
You shouldn't smoke. It damages your lungs. 담배 피우지 마세요. 폐를 손상시켜요.
You shouldn't judge people by the way they look. 사람을 외모로 판단해서는 안 된다
3. There's nothing to + 동사원형 .. 할 것이 없어.
- There's nothing to tell. 말할 것이 없어.
- There's nothing to worry about. 걱정할 것이 없어요.
- There's nothing to eat. 먹을 것이 없어.
There's nothing to lose. 잃을 것도 없어.
4. There's nothing like .. 만한 건 없어.
- There’s nothing like a homemade meal. 집 밥만 한 건 없지.
- There's nothing like a cold beer in summer. 여름에는 차가운 맥주만 한 게 없어.
- There's nothing like a good friend. 좋은 친구만 한 건 없어.
There's nothing I fear. 난 두려운 것이 없어요.
There's nothing like it. 이것 만한 건 없어요.
There's nothing like home in the world. 세상에 집만 한 곳은 없어. (집이 최고야)
5. I didn't know 몰랐어요.
- I didn't know what to say. 저는 무슨 말을 해야 할지 몰랐어요.
- I didn't know anything. 나는 아무것도 몰랐어.
- I didn't know why. 나는 왜 그런지 몰랐어.
Back then I didn't know much. 저는 그때 많은 것을 몰랐어요.
I didn't know you were into that. 네가 그걸 좋아하는지 몰랐네.
I didn't know you were going to be here. 여기서 보게 될 줄이야.
I didn't know him. 나는 그를 몰랐어.
I didn't know anybody. 아는 사람이 없었어요.
I didn't know better. 난 더 잘 알지 못했어.
I didn't know how. 어떻게 하는지 몰랐어요.
I didn't know her name and I never will. 그녀의 이름도 몰랐고 앞으로도 모를 겁니다.
I swear I didn't know anything! 나는 아무것도 모른다고 맹세해요!
I didn't know and I make a mistake. 그런 것도 모르고 제가 실수를 했네요.
I didn't know what to think I was frozen. 녀석이 무슨 짓을 할지 몰라 난 얼어붙어 있었다.
It's okay I didn't know either. 괜찮습니다 저도 잘 모릅니다.
6. I didn't want to + 동사원형 .. 하고 싶지 않았어요.
- I didn't want to lie. 거짓말하고 싶지 않았어요.
- I didn't want to leave. 떠나고 싶지 않았어요.
- I didn't want to know. 알고 싶지 않았어요.
I didn't want to interrupt. 방해하고 싶지 않았어요.
I didn't want to live. 살고 싶지 않았어요.
I didn't want to take sides. 한쪽 편들고 싶진 않았어.
I didn't want to miss a minute of it. 단 한순간도 놓치고 싶지 않았어.
I didn't want to pay an arm and a leg. 많은 비용을 들이고 싶지 않았어요.
I didn't want to sit around day in day out. 저는 허구한 날 빈둥거리며 세월을 보내기 싫었어요.
I didn't want to get between you two. 두 사람 사이에 끼어들고 싶지 않았어요.
I didn't want to answer his questions anymore. 저는 더 이상 그의 질문에 대답하고 싶지 않았어요.
I didn't want to get into it. 그 일에 관여하고 싶지 않았어요.
I didn't want to settle. 저는 정착하고 싶지 않았어요.
I didn't want to work. 일하기 싫었어요.
I didn't want to wait. 기다리기 싫었어요.
I didn't want to hide. 숨고 싶지 않았어요.
I didn't want .. 을 원하지 않았어요.
I didn't want anything. 난 아무것도 원하지 않았어요.
I didn't want help. 난 도움을 원하지 않았어요.
I didn't want trouble. 난 문제를 일으키고 싶지 않았다.
I didn't want any of this. 난 이런 걸 원하지 않았어.
I didn't want that. 난 그걸 원하지 않았어.
I didn't want money or rewards. 저는 돈이나 보상을 원하지 않았습니다.
I didn't want the day to end. 그날이 끝나지 않았으면 싶었다.
I didn't want the job. 나는 그 일을 원치 않았다.
I didn't want music. 전 음악을 원하지 않았어요.
7. I didn't mean to + 동사원형 .. 하려던 건 아니었어 (고의가 아니야)
- I didn't mean to scare you. 널 놀라게 하려던 건 아니었어.
- I didn't mean to offend. 기분 나쁘게 할 생각은 없었어요.
- I didn't mean to say that! 그런 말 하려던 건 아니었어.
I didn't mean to offend anyone. 누구든 기분 나쁘게 할 생각은 없었어요..
I didn't mean to insult you. 당신을 모욕할 생각은 없었어요.
I didn't mean to be rude. 나는 무례하게 하려던 것은 아니었어요.
I didn't mean to interrupt you. 방해할 생각은 없었어요.
I didn't mean to be funny. 웃기려고 한 건 아니었어요.
I didn't mean to laugh before. 웃을 생각은 없었어요.
8. I didn't have a chance to + 동사원형 .. 할 기회가 없었어요.
- I didn't have a chance to say hello to him. 그에게 인사할 기회가 없었어요.
- I didn't have a chance to ask him. 그에게 물어볼 기회가 없었어요.
- I didn't have a chance to tell you. 당신에게 말할 기회가 없었어요.
I didn't have a chance to move. 움직일 기회가 없었어요.
I didn't have a chance to answer all of the questions! 저는 모든 질문에 대답할 기회가 없었어요.
I didn't have a chance to say anything, do anything. 아무 말도, 아무것도 할 기회가 없었어요.
I didn't have a chance to get out of the way. 저는 빠져나갈 기회가 없었어요.
I didn't have a chance to have any real dates. 진짜 데이트를 할 기회가 없었어요.
9. I'm about to + 동사원형 나 지금 막 .. 하려던 참이야.
- I'm about to call you. 너한테 막 전화하려던 참이야.
- I'm about to have dinner. 나 막 저녁 먹으려던 참이야.
- I'm about to leave. 나 지금 막 떠나려던 참이야.
I'm about to head out. 저 지금 나가려던 참이에요.
The bus is about to leave. 버스가 막 떠나려던 참이야.
It's about to rain. 비가 오려고 해요.
I was about to give up. 막 포기하려던 참이었어.
I was about to go out. 나는 막 나가려던 참이었다.
I was about to go to dinner. 저녁 먹으러 가려던 참이었어요.
I was about to go to bed. 저는 막 자려던 참이었어요.
I was about to go to work. 저는 막 일하러 가려던 참이었어요.
I was about to say the same thing. 나도 같은 말을 하려던 참이었어.
I was about to call you. 전화하려던 참이었어요.
I was about to send you an email. 당신에게 이메일을 보내려던 참이었어요.
I was about to mow my grass. 잔디를 깎으려던 참이었어요.
I was about to order us some drinks. 술을 주문하려고 했어요.
I was about to watch television. 텔레비전을 보려던 참이었어요.
I was just about to ask you the same thing. 나도 네게 똑같은 걸 막 물어보려던 참이었어.
I was about to tell you that. 막 너에게 그 얘기 하려던 참이었어.
I was about to leave when he telephoned. 막 떠나려 하는데 그로부터 전화가 왔다
I was about to leave when the clerk called me back. 나가려고 하는 데 점원이 다시 부르더군.
I was about to go out when he visited me. 막 나가려고 하는 참에 그가 찾아왔다.
I was just about to ask you the same thing. 나도 네게 똑같은 걸 막 물어보려던 참이었어.
10. All I know is 오로지 내가 아는 건 .. 뿐이야.
- All I know is this. 내가 아는 건 이것뿐이야.
- All I know is we're not safe. 오로지 내가 아는 건 우리가 안전하지 않다는 거야.
- All I know is it's your fault. 오로지 내가 아는 건 그게 네 잘못이라는 거야.
All I know is war. 내가 아는 건 전쟁뿐이야.
All I know is what happened. 내가 아는 건 무슨 일이 일어났는지 야.
All I know is here. 내가 아는 건 여기뿐이야.
All I know is what he's done. 내가 아는 건 그가 한 짓뿐이야.
All I know is that it's painful. 내가 아는 건 고통스럽다는 것뿐이에요.
All I know is Texas barbecue. 내가 아는 건 텍사스 바비큐뿐이야.
All I know is, he's gone. 내가 아는 건, 그가 떠났다는 거어ㅑ.
All I know is they are missing. 내가 아는 것은 그들이 실종되었다는 것이다.
All I know is we're going. 내가 아는 거라곤 우리가 가는 것뿐이야.
All I know is he is devastated. 내가 아는 것은 그가 망연자실했다는 것뿐이다.
All I know is my head hurts. 머리가 아프다는 것밖에 몰라요.