■ 영어공부 / / 2022. 9. 2. 09:04

외워두면 유용한 영어패턴 #4



1. Are you ..? 당신은 ..입니까?

  • Are you a student? 당신은 학생입니까?
  • Are you busy? 당신은 바쁩니까?
  • Are you living in Seoul? 당신은 서울에 살고 있습니까?


Are you in line? 줄 서 있는 건가요?

Are you a teacher? 당신은 선생님입니까?

Are you from the States? 당신은 미국에서 오셨습니까?

Are you lost? 당신은 길을 잃으셨나요?

Are you lying again? 또 거짓말하는 거야?

Are you okay? 너 괜찮니?

Are you happy? 너 행복하니?

Are you happy with your car? 당신 차에 만족하나요?

Are you ready? 준비됐어?

Are you an actor? 당신은 배우인가요?

Are you there? 거기 있나요? / 여보세요 (전화)

Are you feeling all right? 몸 좀 괜찮아?

Are you listening? 내 말 듣고 있니?

Are you going home after this? 이거 끝나고 집에 가세요?

Are you talking to me? 너 나한테 말하는 거야?

Are you asleep? 너 자고 있니?

​Are you up? 자니?

Are you kidding? 장난해? 농담해? (황당하거나 어이없는 일에)

Are you still on your phone? 너 아직도 핸드폰 보고 있어?

Are you lying again? 정말? 또 거짓말하는 거야?

Are you ready to order drinks? 음료 주문할 준비가 되셨나요?

Are you feeling a little better today? 오늘 컨디션 좀 나아졌어

Are you free on Thursday? 나 오늘 밤 저녁 못해. 목요일은 시간 돼?

Are you coming or not? 너 올 거니 (아니면) 안 올 거니?


2. Aren't you ..? 너 .. 하지 않아?

  • Aren't you tired? 너 피곤하지 않아?
  • Aren't you ashamed? 넌 부끄럽지도 않아?
  • Aren't you hungry? 너 배고프지 않아?


Aren't you afraid? 두렵지 않아? 겁나지 않아요?

Arent you working? 일하고 계신 거 아니에요?

Aren't you allergic to bananas? 너 바나나 알레르기 있지 않아?

Aren’t you pleased to see me? 나를 보게 되어 반갑지 않니?

Aren’t you forgetting something? 너 뭐 잊은 거 없니?

Aren't you ashamed? 부끄럽지도 않아요?

Aren't you drunk? 취하지 않으셨어요?

Aren't you taking the long way? 돌아서 가는 건 아닙니까? (운전기사에게)

Aren't you on the wrong road? 길을 잘못 든 거 아닙니까? (운전기사에게)

Aren't you going too fast? 속도를 너무 내는 거 아니야? (운전기사에게)

Aren't you going to eat breakfast? 아침 안 먹어?

Aren't you excited? 신나지 않니?


3. Are you sure ..? 너 확실한 거야?

  • Are you sure you're okay? 너 정말 괜찮은 거야?
  • Are you sure this is safe? 이거 안전한 거 확실한 거야?
  • Are you sure you don't need any help? 너 정말 도움이 필요 없는 거 확실한 거야?


Are you sure you know him? 아는 사람인 거 확실해?

Are you sure that's a good idea? 좋은 생각인 거 확실해?

Are you sure you’re telling the truth? 당신 정말 진실을 말하는 거요?

Are you sure it’s her? 그녀가 확실해?

Are you sure he was lying? 그가 거짓말했다는 게 정말이니?

Are you sure you're not up for the party? 너 정말 파티에 안 갈 거야?

Are you sure you don’t mind? 정말 괜찮아요?

Are you sure that's enough for you? 그거 먹고 밥이 되니?

You wouldn't!! Are you sure you did that? 설마! 네가 한 게 맞아?

Are you sure you don't need any help? 정말로 안 도와줘도 괜찮겠어요?

Are you sure about that? 그거 확실한 거니?

Are you sure this is the right road? 이게 맞는 길인 거 확실하니?


4. Are you saying ..? ..라는 말인가요?

  • Are you saying (that) you're not interested? 관심 없다는 말인가요?
  • Are you saying (that) you can't believe me? 내 말을 못 믿겠다는 거예요?
  • Are you saying (that) I drink too much? 내가 술을 너무 많이 마신다는 거야?


Are you saying that she lied to me? 그녀가 나에게 거짓말을 했다는 말이야?

Are you saying that you never knew? 넌 전혀 몰랐단 말이야?

Are you saying that we should do nothing? 아무것도 하지 말자는 말이야? ​

Are you saying you can't believe me? 내 말을 못 믿겠다는 거야?

Are you saying she lied to me? 그녀가 제게 거짓말을 했다는 건가요?

Are you saying you want me to move out? 제가 이 집에서 나가길 원하신다는 말씀이세요?

Are you saying that he didn't know that? 그가 그 사실을 몰랐다고?

Are you saying we are through? 우리가 끝났다는 뜻이야?

Are you saying I look old? 내가 늙어 보인다는 거야?

Are you saying it should be? 그래야 한다는 건가요?


5. I'm calling to + 동사원형 .. 하려고 전화했어요.

  • I'm calling to make a reservation. 예약하려고 전화했어요.
  • I'm calling to ask you a favor. 부탁 하나 하려고 전화했어요.
  • I'm calling to say good-bye. 작별 인사하려고 전화했어요.


​I'm calling to change my schedule. 스케줄을 변경하려고 전화했어요.

I'm calling to ask for your help. 네 도움 좀 받으려고 전화했어.

I'm calling to schedule an appointment. 진료 예약을 하려고 합니다.

I'm calling to confirm my reservation. 예약 확인을 위해 전화하는 겁니다.


​6. I was .. 나는 그랬다.

  • I was hungry. 저는 배가 고팠어요.
  • I was annoyed. 저는 짜증이 났어요.
  • I was bummed. 저는 낙담했어요.

I was mugged. 강도를 당했어요.

I was worn out. 너무 지쳤어.

※ worn out 매우 지친, 기진맥진한

I was so touched. 저 완전 감동받았어요.

I was so blown away. 나 정말 감동받았잖아. (뿅 가다. 날아가다 같은 뉘앙스인 듯)

I was here first. 제가 먼저 왔어요.


7. I was busy + 동사-ing 나는 .. 하느라 바빴어.

  • I was busy working. 나는 일하느라 바빴어.
  • I was busy cooking dinner. 나는 저녁 하느라 바빴어.
  • I was busy studying for my test. 나는 시험공부하느라 바빴어.

I was busy hanging out with my new boyfriend. 난 새로운 남자친구랑 노느라 바빴어.

I was busy studying for the TOEFL. 나는 토플 공부하느라 바빴어.

I was busy talking on the phone. 나는 통화하느라 바빴어.

I was busy cleaning the house. 나는 집을 청소하느라 바빴어.

8. I was too busy to + 동사원형 너무 바빠서 .. 못했어.

  • I was too busy to notice. 너무 바빠서 눈치채지 못했어.
  • I was too busy to get the phone. 너무 바빠서 전화를 받지 못했어.
  • I was too busy to clean my room. 너무 바빠서 방을 치우지 못했어.

I was too busy to go out to lunch today. 오늘은 너무 바빠서 점심 먹으러 나가지 못했어.

I was so busy I couldn’t even take a coffee break. 나는 너무 바빠서 커피 한 잔도 할 수 없었어.

I was too busy to return his call. 나는 너무 바빠서 그에게 화답 전화를 하지 못했어.

I was too busy to get away. 나는 너무 바빠서 외출할 수 없었다.

I was too busy to contact you yesterday. 어제 너무 바빠서 너에게 연락을 못했다.

I was too busy to think about anything else. 너무 바빠서 다른 생각을 할 수가 없었어.

I was too busy to find time to rest. 너무 바빠서 숨돌릴 틈이 없었어.

I was too busy to talk to you. 너무 바빠서 너와 얘기하지 못했어.


I am too busy to eat meals on time. 바빠서 제때 식사를 못한다

I'm too busy to take a breather[rest]. 바빠서 숨 돌릴 틈도 없다

I'm too busy to spend any of it. 저는 너무 바빠서 휴가를 갈 수가 없어요.

I am too busy to read books these days. 아니 요즘은 너무 바빠서 책을 읽을 만한 시간이 별로 없어.

I am too busy to get married. 결혼하기엔 제가 너무 바빠요.

I'm too busy to find time to breath. 한숨 돌릴 틈도 없이 바빠요.

I am too busy to bother about such trifles. 나는 매우 바빠서 그런 하찮은 일에 신경을 쓰고 있을 수 없다.


9. Can I tell you ..? 너에게 ..을 말해도 될까?

  • Can I tell you something? 내가 너에게 뭘 좀 말해줄까?
  • Can I tell you a secret? 너에게 비밀 하나 말해도 될까?
  • Can I tell you a joke? 농담 하나 해도 될까?

Can I tell you why? 제가 이유를 말씀드려도 될까요?

Can I tell you another one? 하나 더 말해줄까?

Can I tell you when we're getting together? 우리가 함께 모였을 때 얘기해도 될까요?

Can I tell you how it happened? 어떻게 된 일인지 말해드릴까요? ​

Can I tell you what I'm thinking? 내가 무슨 생각을 하는지 말해도 될까?

Can I tell you when I meet you face-to-face? 직접 만났을 때 얘기해도 되겠습니까?


What can I tell you? 내가 뭘 말해줄까?

How can I tell you? 내가 어떻게 말해야 할까요?


10. Can I get ..? ..을 주시겠어요?

  • Can I get a menu please? 메뉴판 좀 주시겠어요?
  • Can I get a tall iced latte? 아이스 라테 톨 사이즈 한잔 주시겠어요?
  • Can I get your name please? 성함 좀 알려주시겠어요?

Can I get your number? 번호 좀 줄래요?

Can I get a cup of water? 물 한 잔 주시겠어요?

Can I get a dog? 개를 키워도 될까요?

Can I get lunch? 점심 먹을 수 있을까요?

Can I get sugar in my coffee? 커피에 설탕을 넣을 수 있을까요?

Can I get popcorn at the movie? 영화관에서 팝콘을 살 수 있나요?

Can I get your name please? 성함 좀 알려주시겠어요?

Can I get your first name, please? (성을 제외한) 성함이 어떻게 되세요? ​

Can I get a discount? 깎아주실래요?

Can I get a double macchiato to-go, please?

  • 네이버 블로그 공유
  • 네이버 밴드 공유
  • 페이스북 공유
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